Wednesday, June 17, 2009

John 3:36

This week's Scripture Memory Verse is John 3:36, which reads as follows:

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."

This verse is similar in tone to John 3:16 with the emphasis on "whoever believes in the Son --> has eternal life". This phrase gives Christians three very important implications:

1. The word "whoever" as in John 3:16 gives the Christian the call, command, and conviction to spread the gospel. We all are to share the gospel with those we come in contact with. God has ordained Christians to be the means through which the most glorious good news is to be preached, taught, and spread. Sunday School teachers, never forget that you are to call people to repentance and faith everytime you teach from the word of God (this is not just for preachers). Christians, we are to be a confessing Christian to the world. We are not to keep our "Christianness" hidden from worldly view, but we are to confess Christ, and him crucified, before men. Matthew 5:16 states that we are to "let your shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." This "light" includes a confessing spirit that can't help but talk about Jesus, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. This verse that we are memorizing this week is placed within the context of the Sending of the Son of God. This verse provides the purpose. Christ came to save sinners. Bottom line. That is our purpose as well - to bring the gospel of Christ to a lost and dying world - for he is our only hope.

2. The word "has" in this verse gives us the bold assurance that the eternal life that we hope for is not just a future expectation but is already a present experience. This is the "already, not yet" language of Scripture. We are frail in our bodies and are so vulnerable to sin, death, and decay. Our life is but a vapor in the wind. Yet, through Christ, we have eternal life. This is a glorious hope that will not disappoint (see I Corinthians 15). Not only that, but this eternal life is a present reality, for we are no longer perishing, but are justified freely by the grace of God and are now set apart for sanctification - a life long pursuit of the holiness of God that only comes through the cross of salvation. Eternal life for the believer is a future hope that is assured along with a present reality that sustains and preserves the Christian through trial and tribulation. Rest in God's sustaining grace!

3. "Wrath of God remains on him" - this part of the verse echos the seriousness of John 3:3, which states, "unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God". Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the only way to eternal life. Believe in the Son - receive His free offer of salvation - and you have eternal life. Refuse to accept the Lordship, Kingship, absolute rule, and awesome and inconceivable grace of Christ, and you are perishing and the wrath of God remains upon you. The choice is stark and it is clear. Come to Jesus and live. Turn the other way and die.

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