Sunday, October 11, 2009

Union Conference

Thursday and Friday, Bonnie and I were privileged to attend the conference at Union University entitled "Southern Baptists, Evangelicals, and the Future of Denominationalism".
Thursday night, Dr. David Dockery spoke on the topic of "So Many Denominations: The Rise and Decline of Denominationalism...and the Shaping of a Global Evangelicalism." Dr. Dockery did an excellent job discussing the history of denominationalism in Christian history and tactfully explained why there are so many denominational structures. What I took from his speech was that we should all realize that even though denominationalism is rampant in today's society and is getting a bad wrap, denominations still provide a context for guidance and a place of belonging. We should all strive for a denominational future that has conviction and cooperation; boundaries and bridges; structure and spirit.
Here is a good article at the Union University website about Dockery's speech:
I will be posting tomorrow some comments regarding Friday's discussions by Dr. Nathan Finn, professor at the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dr. Albert Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.

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