Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Conversion of Sorts

I have recently made the plunge and have bought an Apple MacBook. The last time I owned an Apple was never, because I was in elementary school the last time I used one. My fondest memory of Apple computers was playing Oregon Trail. I cannot count the times I died of dysentery on the game - not even knowing what that was. It certainly is a change in computing. I am enjoying it so far. I am thankful that Microsoft has a version of Microsoft Office that is compatible with Apple Mac's.

I put the logo of Apple on the blog post for a reason. The logo is of an apple with a bite out of it. I seriously doubt that this is the motive behind the logo, but whenever I look at the image, I am reminded of the fallenness of humanity - that Adam and Eve took of the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and sinned. Just thought I would throw that imagery out there.

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